Yacht (cropped) by asparagusw
Category: DINNER Lunch Breakfast Meal
You better eat it all
you better eat it all (2) by cobraggg
Table service
Table Service by SlaveScape
Waitress slaves
Waitress Slave 12 & (401) by Kerel van Mierlo
– Could you take her for a moment, I think she needs to go out. – Of course, she’s such a pretty one…
Morning breakfast at the hotel in Osaka
AI. morning breakfast hotel osaka by Bess1sir
Naked restaurant
8454 & 8917 by Teymon
Young slave woman tasked to serve naked
Slave waitress & Serving at Master’s Banquet by giant241
Waitress slave
Waitress Slave (148), (384) & (540) by Kerel van Mierlo
Betty and Jolene: The restaurant had permission for female slaves to sit at the table without a leash… on the condition that the girls had to be completely naked.
Jolene O’Brian (aka Vulva, Slave Vulva) (redhead) & Betty (aka Slave S, Betty O’Brian after she married Jolene) in Power Play Pages 1150 & 1151 (both cropped) by Roissy
Meal time
Mealtime by naughtAIcom
Now beg for your food like a good little bitch and then crawl into your box. It’s only over the weekend.
Cute pet begs, Two cute pets beg, Unfair Breakfast 1 & Happy Breakfast 1 by rigidLink
My slave Phaing is at your disposal. I wish the gentleman and possibly also the lady much pleasure.
Julie O’Brian (aka Sarah, slave ’22’) (behind the glass, 1st pic & 3rd pic), Berseh (aka Slave Contender B) (blond) (dressed, 1st & 3d pics), Betty (aka Slave S, Betty O’Brian after she married Jolene) (naked servant, 1st, 2nd & 3rd pics), Jenny (aka Twatty) (cook, 2nd pic) & Phaing (naked, 3rd & 4th pics) in Power Play Pages 1008, 1009, 1013 & 1015 (all cropped) by Roissy
My favorite waitress, excellent service, thank you
My favorite waitress, excellent service, thank you by SecondsPast12
Welcome to dinner
Welcome to dinner by papuavacation