Berseh: So I knelt as his bitch. His pleasure object. He rose. My eyes begged: “Master?”

Berseh (aka Slave B) & Miss Consuelo in Even Rougher (cropped), … taking over, Foreplay, Foreplay continues (cropped) & Pleasure at Sunset by jerry001


Berseh: Master? Look, I remain on the palette, like the animal you brought to your lair.. That you want to train.. Look, MasterJ.. I pose for you.. You can have what you want.. I’m your good girl.. Your possession.. Master, please?

Berseh (aka Slave B) in … still Playing, … even more Play & Night and Play by jerry001


Berseh: Spanking can be very arousing but you’re mean here. You’re not playing… You’re punishing me, it’s unfair I was a good girl!

Berseh (aka Slave B) in Mister … Master … Monster by jerry001


Berseh: No! I don’t want to hear anything from you. You’re just a useful furniture.

Berseh in … the story continues, What did I tell you?!; Clean Up & The End by jerry001


Berseh: You have to be good. Now sway those hips. People want to see if the ropes will glide and split you…

Berseh in Afternoon Stroll & Coming Home by jerry001


Hadine: The slut by excellence! A bitch whose master makes sure it always has its bowl of dog foot ready when he allows it to eat.

Hadine in Blue Tie 08 by jerry001


Berseh and Hadine: Flogging my crotch in front of slave Hadine? This is so humiliating..

Berseh (aka Slave B) & Hadine in Lucky Me! by jerry001