Berseh (aka Slave B) & Miss Consuelo in Even Rougher (cropped), … taking over, Foreplay, Foreplay continues (cropped) & Pleasure at Sunset by jerry001
Category: jerry001
Hadine on the kitchen table
Hadine in On the Kitchen Table 08 by jerry001
Berseh: Master? Look, I remain on the palette, like the animal you brought to your lair.. That you want to train.. Look, MasterJ.. I pose for you.. You can have what you want.. I’m your good girl.. Your possession.. Master, please?
Berseh (aka Slave B) in … still Playing, … even more Play & Night and Play by jerry001
Xandra, slave for sale
Xandra in Craigslist Deal Gone Wrong 060 (2nd pic) by jerry001
Good to be back in Paris. Now, what should we do with Mademoiselle Berseh?
Berseh in Choices (cropped) by jerry001
Berseh: It’s such an honor for me to be chosen as the tool for their art. It is bliss.
Berseh (aka Slave B) in Pleasing… The Master by jerry001
Berseh: Spanking can be very arousing but you’re mean here. You’re not playing… You’re punishing me, it’s unfair I was a good girl!
Berseh (aka Slave B) in Mister … Master … Monster by jerry001
Berseh: No! I don’t want to hear anything from you. You’re just a useful furniture.
Berseh in … the story continues, What did I tell you?!; Clean Up & The End by jerry001
Cass by Jerry
Cass (aka Cassi) by jerry001
Berseh: You have to be good. Now sway those hips. People want to see if the ropes will glide and split you…
Berseh in Afternoon Stroll & Coming Home by jerry001
Hadine: The slut by excellence! A bitch whose master makes sure it always has its bowl of dog foot ready when he allows it to eat.
Hadine in Blue Tie 08 by jerry001
Cass: railcar*
Cass (aka Cassi) in Train & Railcar by jerry001
*presumably a private railroad track
Pain is pleasure, a tribute to Cass
Cass (aka Cassi) in Tattoo by jerry001
Hadine: Hold steady, do not spill a drop
Hadine in Blue Tie 02 by jerry001
Berseh and Hadine: Flogging my crotch in front of slave Hadine? This is so humiliating..
Berseh (aka Slave B) & Hadine in Lucky Me! by jerry001