As the lowest ranks of the slave hunter brigade, the prospective slave hunters are kept completely naked like farm animals

Making of an aspirant slave hunter, Thoughts of an aspirant slave hunter & Slave hunter aspirant by Christina (clowdy75)


Triss took care of Ciri for some time and is like an older sister to her

Triss & Ciri (naked) in Ciri caza 02, Ciri cazada 001 & Ciri caza 005 by Joaquin Piton


Lara Croft: The hunter caught becomes a treasure for pleasure

Treasur Hunter_bound & Anticipation – Treasure Hunter in peril (cropped) by Gunwald


Piercings and high heels. Splendid.

Butterfly V, IV, III, II & (I) (I cropped) by Koysimestari

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Berseh: Behind me in the woods, the barking dogs were nearing

Berseh in Trying to escape from SkatingJesus by Skating Jesus
Berseh (aka Slave B) in The not so great Escape 001 by Skating Jesus


Ana Maria, Sarah and Ashley: To hunt some random girl to sell as slave

Ana Maria, Sarah Danarios & Ashley Danarios in Ana Maria – The Desert Walk 002, Slave Caravan in the Desert – Sarah 001, Slave Caravan in the Desert – Ashley 001 & Ashley – The Slave Caravan 003 (cropped) by Skating Jesus


Rather than attaching it to my collar, clipped it to the ring through my nose before handing it to the warrior leader

A Passage to Somnium 18 (cropped) by ashinperil (aka Ash2169, Ashley2169, sl28694 sweet little bitch)


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