Inga (yoked), Princess Ning (center) & Hilda (right) in Hilda – victory celebration with spoils of war by Toshi81, Lord of Drachenfels
Category: Inga Svensson (digital model)
Inga Svensson from Sweden studies in California. To earn some money she jobbs in a big company as temporary staff. The daughter of the owner also is working there but she has fantasies: fight as one of the best underground boxers. Therefore she is always looking for young female personnel whom she extorts to do a topless boxing fight in a private home against her. As Inga needs the money she has to agree, if she refuses she is fired. She is in a good shape as she is training in the local gym but has no fighting experience.
Inga: Already “dressed” for the fight which she will lose for sure
Inga Svensson in Inga ready to fight by CB1964